Smoke detector is a very important safety device because it is use in every building and house to prevent serious damage and life threatening consequence that is cause by fire. This device is used by everyone in the world to keep property safe and save people life. There are two types of smoke detectors the first type is a Photoelectric smoke detector which is smoke detector device that use an optical sensor, the second type is an Ionization smoke detectors which is a smoke detector device that uses a small amount of radioactive material to detect smoke. People commonly use the Ionization smoke detectors because it is more reliable since it can detect fire in a wider range of condition. The last reason why Ionization smoke detector is more popular than Photoelectric smoke detector is because it is cheaper to purchase and install. Due to this reason, this discussion post is based on Ionization smoke detector.
The radioactive material that is use by the Ionization smoke detector is Americium-241. The amount of Americium-241 require for each detector is only around 1.0 microcurie. This radioactive material doesn’t exist naturally on its own instead it is the byproduct from the fission of Plutonium-239 when they irradiated with neutrons. Fission is when atom splits into smaller part to become more stable and this will decrease the mass of that element. During this reaction, beside just splitting some fraction of the atoms start to absorb two neutrons to form plutonium-241. The plutonium-241 will be taken out of the reaction so that it will undergo beta decay and form Americium-241. Beta decay is a radioactive decay where electron will be emitted from the nucleus. The last process will last the longest because plutonium have a half-life of 14 years. Half-life is the time that will take an radioactive atom to decay. A newly bought Ionization smoke detector contain 100% Americium but after 30 years 4.7% of the Americium will decayed into neptunium. This show that Ionization smoke detector is a very reliable smoke detector because Americium have a half-life of 432.2, which is way longer than the time the smoke detector will be in use. This also means that people doesn’t have to change the Americium-241 inside the smoking chamber because the radioactive atom will last the whole lifetime of the user.

In conclusion, Ionization smoke detector is very important and should be install in every houses, buildings and public infrastructures because it can protect these place from serious damage that is caused by fire and save people life.
Work Cited
Modern Chemistry by Holt McDougal
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