Biochemistry- DNA in everyday life.
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It also carries our genetic information. DNA is located in the cell’s nucleus. DNA is made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). A and T bind together as G and C bind together. Each bond is joined by a sugar and phosphate molecule. When joined together they make a spiral shape or also called a double helix. DNA is able to make copies of itself several times over. When each cell divides it has a new exact DNA copy. DNA helps archaeologist keep records of genetic codes and the progression of life throughout centuries. A paternity test is a very effective way to find out the child's paternity. DNA testing helps the people find out if the child is their’s or not for legal reasons. It also helps connect us to our family history. DNA allows for you to find long lost relatives. DNA can also help you find your ancestor. The Y chromosome in men is unlikely to change so it is easier to trace back the ancestry. Fo unborn baby's, DNA test can show if he/she will have health problems in the future. DNA helps in criminal investigations by helping identify who the criminal is. Samples of blood go along way and solving cases. DNA helps people who breed animals to make sure that the animals are resistant to disease.
This sheep was cloned and lived a good life due to advancements in DNA research. Farmers produce more nutritious produce and can help solve the shortage of food in struggling countries.DNA is used to create several different medicines such as vaccines and antibiotics. DNA is a key step to calculating and determining things that can effect ou day to day lives. The scientist is coming up with new and innovative ideas on ways to use DNA. The sky is the limimt when it comes to different and unique ways to use DNA in everyday life.
I found it very interesting that DNA can be useful in so many ways (finding your ancestors, learning about your background). I especially found it interesting that today, the world is advancing in cloning with DNA with the sheep. With that innovation of cloning with DNA, it could prove useful in the near future with the innovation of new medical techniques and procedures. Nice post!