Nuclear waste is the result of industrial, scientific, and medical processes that use radioactive materials. The most prominent source of nuclear waste is a nuclear reactor. Fuel used in nuclear reactors to generate heat for electricity becomes nuclear waste after it has been used for years. Nuclear was does not just go away once it is used. Nuclear waste can last for over a thousand years, depending on the level of waste. Waste is categorized by either high, intermediate, or low level waste. This helps people determine how to dispose of the waste properly.
The disposal of waste is very important as the environment can be affected greatly by improper disposal. High level waste must be cooled before being handled. After it has cooled, a worker in a factory can dispose of it, but they must be shielded by a dense material such as concrete or steel, or by meters of water. Water serves as both a cooling agent and a shielding agent, so it is used by many industries that make nuclear or radioactive waste. After the waste has been cooled in water, the workers can either keep it in the closed water or they can transport it to containers of concrete. Nuclear waste is very harmful to the body of humans and other organism as it can cause mutations within them to grow.

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After the Fukushima Accident in Japan I am always interested in the impact that radioactive waste have on the environment and people. From your post I learn that nuclear waste is the byproduct of nuclear power generator so what are the radioactive elements that make up the radioactive waste? What is the key factor that cause radioactive waste to have such a bad impact on human and environment? From the post when you are talking about the fact that "Nuclear waste can last for over a thousand years, depending on the level of waste", is it because of the half-life of the radioactive elements?